
Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Team moana ski trip 2020

 Hi, Last week, I went on a ski trip to Mt Ruapehu with my class Team Moana. It was a really long drive down to  National Park . Every one got really excited once we arrived at Piper's Lodge because there was ping pong and we watched movies. My parent was Graeme. He was really funny. The fun part was skiing Here are some photos of me skiing and falling asleep on the bus.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

The Laughing Owl Inquiry

Hi, my name is Eternity and this is my blog I have been doing a google slide about the extinct owl called the Laughing Owl with my group Jaxon, Ricci-lee and Sienna. On our slides there were 6 questions that we had to answer on diffrent slides. I really enjoyed doing the slides because I learnt new things while doing it. Here is my slide  I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Peco insident cover

This term are reading a book called the peco incident the book was writen and illistrated by Des hunt. The book was about two kids Nick and danile that were talking about the bird flu.We had to do activities about the book and I made a book cover about the peco icident.Here is my book cover.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Space writing

This week we been doing space writing about what it would be like for us to be in space. We used our puncuation to help us with our storys like exclimation marks and question marks to show our actions. I really enjoyed writing about what it would be like in space. Here is my space writing.

Ryming couplets

Hello, this week we have been learning how to do ryming couplets in our poems. Ryming couplets are two senteces  and the last word on each sentences have to ryme. I  enjoyed learning ryming couplets with class. Here is my poem with my ryming couplets.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Chiken diava art

this week we have been doing a chicken diva art. First we had to read the book then we sketched our own chicken  divas and then we coloured them in with pastel then we decorations on them to look really cool and crazy I think my chicken diva was crazy I named my chicken diva Nora.


 This week we have been using a multiplication wheel.We use the multiplication wheel to test our skills on multiplication. I need to work on my seven and eights time tables like seven times eight, seven times nine, eight times eight and eight times four.We also had to work in a group of 2 I was with Jaxon.

Monday, 2 March 2020

Whitebait fritters reading activitie

This term we have been reading Whitebait fritters the illustrated by Kingi McKinnon . The task I did was an animation. I enjoyed designing the animation.I found it hard learning how to embed it. The learning behind  the task was about the zone of regulation and how people feel.

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Whitebait Fritters cover Term I 2020

Hi, My name is Eternity and I'm in Team Moana. Team Moana has been doing reading activities about Whitebait Fritter. We have enjoyed doing  the Whitebait Fritter activities I really enjoyed designing my Whitebait Fritters cover. The hard part was tracing the people of the book. Here is my Whitebait Fritters cover.